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Australasian Dentist Magazine


Australasian Dentist continues to present a fresh and invigorating approach to dentistry, promoting the highest standard of dental technique while advancing an innovative business culture within the profession through our clinical sections.

Australasian Dentist Magazine has a variety of advertising options that enable marketers to reach the dental industry in Australia including an online newsletter, stand alone email advertisement campaigns and virtual magazine issues.

Our publication is audited at 12,835, and reaches dental practices throughout Australia and New Zealand (based on CAB audit figures).


Australasian Dentist Magazine Spec Sheet

Stand-Alone Email Rates & Specs

Implant Dentistry Today Media Kit 2023

Stand-Alone Email

With over 10,500 dentists, The Australasian Dentist email database is the largest email and most up-to-date database in the Australian dental industry. The “Stand-Alone” Email gives you exclusive direct marketing opportunities.

Website Advertising

Banner ads are accepted on the Australasian Dentist website. The following are the rates and specs. Prices ex GST.

Banner Ad

798 x 90
$ 550
  • Advertising appears throughout the site. Acceptable formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, ANIMATED GIF, Flash
  • For all advertising enquiries please contact Amos Lang.

Tile Ad

300 x 250
$ 450
  • Advertising appears throughout the site. Acceptable formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, ANIMATED GIF, Flash
  • For all advertising enquiries please contact Amos Lang.

Banner and Tile Ad

798 x 90 and 300 x 250
$ 825
  • Advertising appears throughout the site. Acceptable formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, ANIMATED GIF, Flash
  • For all advertising enquiries please contact Amos Lang.

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